Create Wisconsin brings state and regional business and economic development leaders to Rhinelander to showcase ‘creative economy’

Create Wisconsin brings state and regional business and economic development leaders to Rhinelander to showcase ‘creative economy’

Create Wisconsin knows art can drive boost an economy.

It’s why the organization brought state and regional business and economic development leaders to Rhinelander Monday.

The “Creative Economy Tour” consisted of two roundtable discussions and visits to local businesses.

The focus of the visit was focused on how the Northwoods tourism and entertainment industry has recovered from the pandemic...

Ken Notes: Great read. Business is tough and putting ED leaders in the same forum as new and existing businesses is so important! Especially when those businesses are in tourism and entertainment. We tend to focus on the EPIC`s and FOXCONN`s and forget that most of our jobs come from smaller employers or even sole proprietors. Also service and retail workers afford us the lifestyles we desire if you can`t live near your barista you may need to make your own coffee...

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- - Volume: 10 - WEEK: 31 Date: 7/28/2022 11:04:34 AM -