Madison, Wisconsin, approves complete green streets policy

Madison, Wisconsin, approves complete green streets policy

Dive Insight:

The complete streets approach — designing for safety and accessibility across different modes of transportation — has gained traction at the local, state and national levels. Madison had a resolution committing to complete streets in 2009, but the new policy emphasizes incorporating city sustainability priorities, too. The city is working toward achieving net-zero communitywide carbon emissions by 2050.

Dive Brief:

  • Madison, Wisconsin, has approved a “Complete Green Streets” policy. The design approach aims to help lower pollution and align with and support the city’s safety and mobility goals, which include getting to zero deaths on city streets.

  • Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said in a statement Thursday that many elements of the program, including pedestrian and bicycle safety and improving urban tree canopy, have already been important parts of street design in Madison. Now, the concepts are codified and organized in a guide that’s a “flexible tool that can evolve” as the city does.

  • “With significant growth and development, rising concerns about safety, and increased awareness of disparities, Madison needed a more detailed approach to designing streets that reflects our community’s values and priorities,” the guide states.

Ken Notes: A great goal and objective, but the devil is in the details. If this policy precludes business from locating or expanding and stifles development it will not have the desired effect. Companies need to be behind these goals and I believe many are, we just need to make sure they are at the table as policy is developed...

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- - Volume: 11 - WEEK: 1 Date: 1/6/2023 10:07:07 AM -