Gov. Evers: Budget proposal invests in safe, affordable housing for Wisconsin workers and families

Gov. Evers: Budget proposal invests in safe, affordable housing for Wisconsin workers and families

MADISON — In his 2023-25 biennial budget proposal, Gov. Tony Evers is proposing several initiatives to promote local housing development and affordable housing solutions, as well as a comprehensive, multi-pronged package of initiatives designed to address the unique challenges facing Wisconsin renters, including renovating existing housing, improving rental unit safety, providing legal aid for evictions, and expanding renter protections.

In his 2023-25 Biennial Budget Message, delivered last week, Gov. Evers highlighted a few of these initiatives and the need for quality, affordable housing in order to attract and retain talented workers to bolster Wisconsin’s workforce and continue the state’s economic momentum:

“Lack of access to affordable housing will hold our workforce and our economy back....

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Ken Notes: We need to sit down with developers and come up with real solutions here. We need to build smaller affordable market rate homes that people can afford on an entry level or service worker salary...

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- - Volume: 11 - WEEK: 8 Date: 2/23/2023 9:52:48 AM -