This Milwaukee development plan calls for near west side housing--and an art gallery.

This Milwaukee development plan calls for near west side housing--and an art gallery.

A development which would combine housing with an art gallery, event space and other features is in the works for a near west side Milwaukee neighborhood that`s seeing other new investments.

Known as Art Intersection MKE, it`s the latest in a series of commercial developments that connect to the city`s visual arts scene ? which include another nearby project.

Art Intersection, at 3542 W. Vliet St., is led by Derrick Cainion. He`s working on the development plans while still operating DJC Interpreting Service LLC, a business that provides sign language interpreting services to performing arts groups, businesses, schools, lawyers and other clients...


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- - Volume: 11 - WEEK: 18 Date: 5/4/2023 9:51:08 AM -