Charter Next Generation Expands Milton, Wisconsin, Operations

Charter Next Generation Expands Milton, Wisconsin, Operations

Charter Next Generation, a producer of sustainable, innovative material science solutions and world-class manufacturing capabilities, will expand its operations in Milton, Wisconsin. The $270 million project is expected to create 340 jobs over the next eight years.

The company will establish a second facility at the Crossroads Business Park, near its current location at 1264 E. High Street.

“Charter Next Generation is constantly seeking innovative opportunities that align with our unwavering sustainability-first mindset and our mission to deliver best-in-class material science solutions.” said Kathy Bolhous, CEO of Charter Next Generation. “The partnership with WEDC allows us to expand our product offering in Milton. It also ignites an exciting opportunity to boost our employee base and benefit the Rock County infrastructure, and eventually all of Wisconsin.”   ...more

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