Wisconsin’s new Responsible Innovation Hub

Wisconsin’s new Responsible Innovation Hub

From AI to biotechnology, and from robotics to environmental challenges, innovative technologies can disrupt economic markets, human welfare and more. Learn more about Wisconsin’s new Responsible Innovation Hub by attending the Tuesday, May 23, Tech Council Innovation Network luncheon in Madison.

The luncheon will be held at the Sheraton Hotel on Madison’s John Nolen Drive. Registration and networking begin at 11:30 a.m., lunch at noon and the presentation at 12:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for students and returning veterans, $25 for individual members, $35 for non-members and included for Tech Council corporate members.

Jo Handelsman, director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, will discuss the goals of the Wisconsin Responsible Innovation Hub: Enhance the ethical development, adoption and distribution of technology; provide the private and non-profit sectors with advice and frameworks for ethics in technology; and increase the quality, prevalence and diversity of university-driven entrepreneurship through research and training...


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