Central Wisconsin Days: Issues and Outcomes

Central Wisconsin Days: Issues and Outcomes

CENTRAL WISCONSIN — As the dust settles following the recent Wisconsin budget announcement, Centergy Inc. and stakeholders are taking stock of the implications for their region. The budget, a reflection of the state’s commitment to progress and development, has garnered significant attention for its provisions on critical issues affecting central Wisconsin, notably childcare, tax reform, and housing.

Centergy’s Central Wisconsin Days, held in April, convened to tackle these precise challenges. Now, Centergy is sharing outcomes from dedicated advocacy endeavors.

Child Care

The Ask: Centergy supports efforts to close the childcare gap...

Tax Reform

The Ask: Centergy supports efforts to significantly reform the Wisconsin tax system...


The Ask: Centergy supports legislative efforts to meet the current and future housing needs of Wisconsin employees...

Ken Notes: I will second all of these!

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