Wisconsin agency issues $185 million social bond for affordable homeownership

Wisconsin agency issues $185 million social bond for affordable homeownership

Wisconsin social bond for housing

The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) issued a $185 million Home Ownership Revenue Social bond this month to acquire mortgage-backed securities for eligible low- and moderate-income households pursuing homeownership.

The bonds are designed to support WHEDA’s efforts of providing access to financing for homeownership in order to increase permanent housing, protect the middle class, and reduce racial wealth gaps in Wisconsin.

The WHEDA home ownership revenue bonds are designated as social bonds consistent with the International Capital Markets Association Social Bond Principles because of their focus on affordable housing, access to essential services, socioeconomic advancement, and economic empowerment...


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- - Volume: 11 - WEEK: 35 Date: 8/30/2023 3:18:13 PM -