Group seeks to leverage Wisconsin`s biotech leadership to transform economy, health care

Group seeks to leverage Wisconsin`s biotech leadership to transform economy, health care

More than a dozen businesses, colleges and economic development agencies are working with state and federal officials to win federal funding for a Wisconsin medical sciences technology hub.

The proposed Wisconsin Biotech Hub focuses on existing biotechnology and personalized medicine expertise at companies and universities which are largely located in the Milwaukee and Madison areas. Personalized medicine uses a person`s genetic profile to guide medical decisions about the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

Missy Hughes, secretary of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., said the decision to focus Wisconsin`s application on biotech was guided in part by the advice of Alejandra Castillo, head of the U.S. Economic Development Administration, to present proposals for "a tech hub that`s on the edge of glory."...


Ken Notes: I am pretty sure Tammy is looking at Spock on his way to Genesis in this image.

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- - Volume: 11 - WEEK: 36 Date: 9/7/2023 9:07:37 AM -