Members of Governor`s Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence Set Sights High for Future with AI

Members of Governor`s Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence Set Sights High for Future with AI

MADISON – Wisconsin leaders from business, agriculture, education, government, and nonprofit sectors set their sights on a future in which Wisconsin successfully harnesses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to spur economic growth and create an economy that works for everyone.

Appointed by Gov. Tony Evers, members of the Governor`s Task Force on Workforce and Artificial Intelligence (AI) convened in Madison this week for the group`s first meeting. Administered by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development in coordination with the Wisconsin Department of Administration and Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., the task force aims to identify policies and investments that will continue to advance Wisconsin workers, employers, and job seekers through this technological transformation.

"The 30 task force members are bringing wisdom, experience, and a sense of optimism about a future in which AI can advance equity and economic opportunity through workforce training and employer innovation," said DWD Secretary Amy Pechacek...


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