Manufacturer approved for up to $5.85M in state tax credits by WEDC

Manufacturer approved for up to $5.85M in state tax credits by WEDC

A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. has been approved for up to $5.85 million in state tax credits, which it can earn through a planned expansion in Grant County.

That’s according to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., which yesterday announced the WEDC Board of Directors had approved the performance-based tax credits. The Iowa-based company can earn them by hitting certain job creation and investment targets, WEDC notes.

The 167-year-old manufacturing business is building a new brass foundry in Dickeyville and expanding an existing facility in Kieler, according to the release. Those plans involve investing at least $340 million and creating 173 jobs over a five-year period. Construction on the project has begun, and it’s expected to be operational in 2026...


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 5 Date: 1/31/2024 1:45:29 PM -