Judge stops Osceola apartment project, reversing Village Board`s approvals

Judge stops Osceola apartment project, reversing Village Board`s approvals

Citing evidence and "public outcry," Judge Daniel Tolan ruled the building would be visible from the St. Croix River in violation of environmental protections.

A Polk County judge has stopped a riverfront construction project from moving forward after agreeing with plaintiffs that an apartment complex proposed for a bluff in Osceola, Wis., would be visible from the St. Croix River in violation of environmental protections.

The legal skirmish over the proposed 95-unit complex, called the Osceola Bluffs Development, has emerged as the most recent test of the 55-year-old Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, the federal legislation co-written by former U.S. Sen. Walter Mondale that designated the St. Croix and Namekagon rivers as part of the National Park System.


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