City of Milwaukee releases Growing MKE Draft Plan

City of Milwaukee releases Growing MKE Draft Plan

The City of Milwaukee Department of City Development (DCD) released its Growing MKE Draft Plan for public review and comment.

The City of Milwaukee Department of City Development (DCD) released its Growing MKE Draft Plan for public review and comment.

The Growing MKE Plan is the result of a year-long planning process to propose updates to the City of Milwaukee’s Comprehensive Plan and make recommendations for future updates to Milwaukee’s zoning code to encourage housing growth and choice throughout Milwaukee.

The policies contained within the Growing MKE Plan will advance Milwaukee’s goals for housing choice, equity, affordability, economic development, and climate resilience. The Growing MKE Plan proposes updates to Milwaukee’s zoning code, which will implement recommendations from Milwaukee’s Climate and Equity Plan and the Collective Affordable Housing Strategic Plan.

“I’ve made no secret of my goal to grow Milwaukee’s population,” Mayor Cavalier Johnson said.....


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 18 Date: 5/2/2024 1:46:57 PM -