Wisconsin puts 60 acres of state-owned land up for sale in CF

Wisconsin puts 60 acres of state-owned land up for sale in CF

Mar. 3—CHIPPEWA FALLS — The Wisconsin`s Department of Administration has placed 62 acres of state-owned land for sale in the southeast corner of Chippewa Falls, along Seymour Cray Boulevard, that is part of the Northern Wisconsin Center.

Charlie Walker, Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation executive director, said the land has been divided into five lots, with land on both the east and west side of Seymour Cray Boulevard, also known as Highway 178. It is generally southwest of the Wisconsin Veteran Home; the land is managed by the state`s Department of Health Services. The DOA is assisting DHS in selling the property, and has valued it at $35,000 per acre. Walker said his organization has been asked to help aggressively market the land and get bids to DOA and DHS.

"It`s real exciting. We`re taking land that hasn`t been on the tax rolls and moving it onto the tax rolls," Walker said. "We know there has been a lot of interest in that land from a variety of companies. It will be interesting to see what bids come in. Anytime you can get prime land on Seymour Cray, with those traffic counts, that is a valued location."...

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 19 Date: 5/9/2024 11:20:25 AM -