Evers administration requests release of $25 million for child care and tourism

Evers administration requests release of $25 million for child care and tourism

Gov. Tony Evers’ administration is requesting that the Republican-led budget committee release $25 million in funds that would go towards supporting child care providers and tourism in Wisconsin.

It’s unclear whether lawmakers will release the funds. The requests come as Republican committee leaders and Evers have been in a stalemate over several funding release requests made by the administration, including for over $125 million to combat PFAS, $50 million to implement new literacy programs and $15 million meant to support hospitals in the Chippewa Valley. The disagreements about specifics on how the money for those initiatives should be spent has led to veto override attempts in the Senate and lawsuits from the Legislature and Evers...


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 21 Date: 5/22/2024 8:09:41 AM -