Council in review: Road work, development updates

Council in review: Road work, development updates

East View Road construction underway, Country View Road projects aim to support Epic’s planned growth

It’s officially construction season.

At its past two meetings, the City of Verona Common Council has approved various resolutions regarding construction in the area. City Engineer Carla Fischer has also shared updates as to where projects are at in terms of progress.

The complete engineering report that details citywide construction projects is available online at in the May 13 council agenda and packet.
E. View Road/Court and Elm Street

Construction has commenced on East View Road (Green Meadow to Elm Street), East View Court and Elm Street. Fischer said paving is tentatively scheduled for the end of August...


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 21 Date: 5/22/2024 8:11:24 AM -