Madison`s Neighborhood House, other low-income projects, win state tax credits

Madison`s Neighborhood House, other low-income projects, win state tax credits

The expansion of Madison’s Neighborhood House Community Center, which will add 60 units of mostly low-income housing to the Greenbush neighborhood, was one of five affordable housing developments in the city awarded financial support this year by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.

Together, the projects in Madison will qualify for over $100 million in federal and state tax credits over a number of years. They will provide 457 housing units throughout Madison, WHEDA records show. Of those units, 240 will be dedicated to renters earning 60% or less of Dane County’s median income, according to city officials.

Neighborhood House — alongside its partner in the redevelopment, Alexander Co. of Madison — is eligible for $10.9 million in federal tax credits over the next 10 years and $4.9 million in state tax credits over the next six years. Madison’s oldest community center, Neighborhood House was established in 1916 to serve a largely immigrant community. But it is struggling to expand its programming within the constraints of its current building...


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 21 Date: 5/22/2024 8:16:18 AM -