Tom Still: New Wisconsin Investment Fund will be noticed beyond state borders

Tom Still: New Wisconsin Investment Fund will be noticed beyond state borders

Among the first news outlets to pick up on the May 29 unveiling of the $100 million Wisconsin Investment Fund were two outside the state – the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in Washington and U.S. News & World Report. Both took note within hours.

As I mentioned to those who gathered at Madison’s Forward BIOLABS for the announcement by Gov. Tony Evers and others, that’s a big reason why the public-private fund is not an end in the state’s journey to build a more vibrant technology economy, but a new and significant beginning.

Like 49 other states, Wisconsin received money through the U.S. Treasury’s State Small Business Credit Initiative, which was authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act. Each state was free to tailor its program to a large degree, and Wisconsin chose to put nearly two-thirds of its allotment into a fund that would require private venture-capital firms to match the SSBCI money, dollar-for-dollar....


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 22 Date: 5/30/2024 12:05:27 PM -