Green Lake development derailed by Plan Commission

Green Lake development derailed by Plan Commission

A proposed planned unit development (PUD) presented to the Green Lake Plan Commission ran into opposition from neighbors to the project at Monday meetings.

The project would sit on 5.7 acres of land, bordered by South Street, Walker Street, Sherwood Lane and Ernest Street, containing 35 living units in 21 structures. Those living units would include seven single family homes, four duplex buildings (eight units) and 10 townhouse buildings (two story)...


Ken Notes: I am running into this (NIMBY) a lot as a Planner in La Crosse. We may need to create a state initiative to promote higher density more affordable homes in all areas of the state. These were $340,000 homes which is still way to high for workforce housing. We also need to work with developers and builders on this issue.

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 22 Date: 5/30/2024 12:32:28 PM -