Data centers are driving up energy demand nationally. What does that mean for Wisconsin?

Data centers are driving up energy demand nationally. What does that mean for Wisconsin?

`These facilities require a lot of power,` says Microsoft official on data center campus in Mount Pleasant

As work continues on Microsoft’s data center campus in Mount Pleasant, similar developments nationally have sparked concerns about strain on the country’s electric grid.

But it’s unclear how much stress data centers will put on Wisconsin’s electric grid and what the impact of these projects will be on the state’s clean energy transition.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, data centers are “energy intensive” buildings, using 10 to 50 times the energy per floor space of a typical commercial office building...


Ken Notes: We have the power especially on that site. We will need more, lots more and we can do this but we need to incorporate solar into EVERY new building in the State. Nice to see the Boldt containers and cranes...

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