Partnership between Microsoft, UW-Milwaukee aims to get AI into manufacturing

Partnership between Microsoft, UW-Milwaukee aims to get AI into manufacturing

Connected Services Institute in Racine County to open new lab this fall

This fall, Wisconsin will become Microsoft’s seventh location in the world to build, develop and test artificial intelligence solutions to improve the efficiency of business operations.

On May 8, President Joe Biden and Brad Smith, vice chair and president of Microsoft, visited Racine County to announce the corporation’s $3.3 billion investment in the state.

“We will use the power of AI to help advance the next generation of manufacturing companies, skills and jobs in Wisconsin and across the country,” Smith said during the press conference....

...Hamann calls the new lab a “unique opportunity” for local, regional and national manufacturers, as well as faculty and students with the Connection System Institute, which launched at UWM in 2017...


Ken Notes: This will keep UW on the map. Now we need the legislature to get on board and support the System and all they bring to Wisconsin...

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 23 Date: 6/7/2024 11:24:38 AM -