Wisconsin Bankers Association announces $50K in housing, economic development grants

Wisconsin Bankers Association announces $50K in housing, economic development grants

MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - The Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) announced on Friday that it has awarded five grants of $10,000 to Wisconsin projects supporting housing and economic development.

These grants also were awarded to projects supporting housing literacy, community investment and financial and cyber literacy in Wisconsin.

“Affordable housing and housing literacy are acute needs for individuals and families in our state and are critical drivers for our economy’s workforce needs,” WBA President and CEO Rose Oswald Poels said. “We are proud to offer this inaugural grant opportunity, which showcases the partnership of Wisconsin banks and non-profit organizations to strengthen programming that empowers Wisconsinites to become financially capable, promotes homeownership, and builds wealth that can be passed on to future generations.”..


Ken Notes: I know that the Fed wants to control inflation by keeping interest rates a little higher, but doesn`t it make some sense to develop a program to allow for home loans for smaller affordable (NOT SUBSIDIZED) homes (say up to 150K) to be financed at lower rates. This would stimulate a much needed sector of the economy, provide homes for service and retail workers, provide more diverse housing, and allow for the building of equity for a large segment of our population.

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 26 Date: 6/26/2024 9:03:55 AM -