First Renewable Hydrogen Microgrid Launched in Western Australia

First Renewable Hydrogen Microgrid Launched in Western Australia

On Monday, the Western Australian government and Horizon Power released a report outlining their learnings to date, with acting Energy Minister Tony Buti declaring the report “confirms the great opportunity for hydrogen to play a role in our state`s energy transition.”

Proof of concept

The microgrid was built and is operated by Horizon Power, the primary power producer in Western Australia. Horizon has been a proponent of microgrids for more than a decade, testing and advancing a variety of microgrid-related technologies, including the use of distributed energy resources management systems and long-duration energy storage systems.


Ken Notes: OK I know Australia -- not Wisconsin -- and hydrogen?? But, I am a fan of both microgrids and hydrogen as we look for energy solutions and since we are driven by the energy companies and margins it is difficult to explore smaller options. We will need peaking facilities to assist with solar and wind and the proposed solution is large natural gas plants. Storage is expensive and still a ways out. Micro grids offer unique solutions and are worth following...

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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 28 Date: 7/10/2024 10:26:40 AM -