A Technical Solution Finds Wisconsin

A Technical Solution Finds Wisconsin

When one door closes, Microsoft swoops in.

I think it’s important for us to keep in mind that it wasn’t conflict and confusion, it was a changing marketplace, and the market changed for Foxconn,” says Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Secretary and CEO Missy Hughes of the pitfalls of the $10 billion, 13,000-job display panel manufacturing facility Foxconn had planned to establish in Mount Pleasant...

...Fortunately, the prime location of the park, the over $2 billion invested by Foxconn and the state into the site’s infrastructure, access to water, power and transportation, and the talent pool in Southeast Wisconsin worked to draw in another tech giant.

“Once Foxconn determined that they weren’t going to use the site as anticipated, we had the opportunity then to step in and say ‘Okay, how can we bring in a company that will use the site and build the economy around there?’ and Microsoft opened that opportunity,” says Hughes...


Ken Notes: It could have been so much worse. We invested real cash in Kestrel Aircraft Company and got no return and lost everything. We "promised" Foxconn support based on jobs and buildings. We did not "pay" the large amounts promised because they did not hit the targets. The community did develop the site and Foxconn continues to support this investment, but clearly Microsoft will help here.

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