Gov. Evers Announces $1.3 Million in Grants for Wisconsin’s Coastal Communities

Gov. Evers Announces $1.3 Million in Grants for Wisconsin’s Coastal Communities

MADISON —? Gov. Tony Evers today announced nearly $1.3 million in grants to support quality of life, foster economic development, protect and improve the Great Lakes resources, and create resiliency in Wisconsin’s coastal communities. The 31 grants are administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP) to be used by local, state, and Tribal governments, regional planning commissions, universities, and nonprofit organizations. This newly announced funding will support projects totaling over $3.3 million, and throughout the week, Gov. Evers will visit with grant recipients across the state, highlighting the good work of local leaders working to protect Wisconsin’s Great Lakes coastal areas and communities.

“There’s no overstating the importance of our Great Lakes and how these vital natural resources have shaped the culture and economy of our coastal communities and our state’s history,” said Gov. Evers. “Wisconsin’s roughly 800 miles of Great Lakes shoreline across Lake Michigan and Lake Superior provide folks with drinking water, commerce, and recreational opportunities that bring millions of visitors and future residents from far and wide. These investments will go a long way toward helping ensure we protect our shoreline communities, address the unique challenges we face, and promote long-term growth and success.” .....

A complete list of grant recipients and projects is available here...


Ken Notes: HEY! Wisconsin has a West Coast on the Mississippi with plenty of issues.

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