Nonprofit Collaboration of the Year: Think Ability Wisconsin

Nonprofit Collaboration of the Year: Think Ability Wisconsin

Think Ability Wisconsin is a collaboration of the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., the Department of Workforce Development, Islands of Brilliance, Disability In Wisconsin, Engage Workforce Solutions, Friendship Circle, MATC and many more. Powered by the Down Syndrome Association, this statewide collaborative works to address the issues of worker shortages and the high unemployment rate of people with disabilities by working with employers to break down barriers to employment for people with disabilities.

Since its inception in late 2022, Think Ability Wisconsin has enrolled more than 2,500 people in support services or programs, created more than 225 community-integrated, employer-embedded work sites and served nearly 25,000 people. The collaborative has also trained more than 1,500 employer-side participants in hiring people with disabilities and the benefits for companies.


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