West Bend Common Council approves rezoning requests for 2 developments Monday

West Bend Common Council approves rezoning requests for 2 developments Monday

WEST BEND — The West Bend Common Council voted on some land projects in the city at its meeting on Monday, approving the rezoning of two plots of land for future developments among other business.

According to Business and Development Planner James Reinke, the items on the agenda included the rezoning of two locations in the city, including a 9.64-acre plot at 2320 Sylvan Way and 0.5-acre lot south of 1918-1920 River Drive. These locations were proposed to be rezoned to M-3 Planned Business Park District and RD-2 Two-Family Residential District, respectively.

While the Sylvan Drive property was rezoned unanimously without much discussion, District 7 Alderman Bill Schmidt noted there were some concerns raised by one of his constituents in the area about the development of the River Drive property due to a fire that had occurred in the past that had damaged some surrounding property. So, a request had been made to know what kind of development would take place on the land. He noted that these concerns gave him pause in approving anything relating to a development there...


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 34 Date: 8/21/2024 2:28:23 PM -