State forfeited right to buy Veterans Museum property when it was late on rent payment, owners say

State forfeited right to buy Veterans Museum property when it was late on rent payment, owners say

When officials announced earlier this month that the state had approved $9 million to replace the deteriorating Capitol Square building that houses the Wisconsin Veterans Museum, the owners of the building said the state left out one important detail: The building isn’t for sale.

The property’s four owners maintain the state lost its option to purchase the building after it was late in making a rent payment last fall.

Instead, the owners say, they are moving ahead with plans to replace the building themselves with a 12-story, 97-apartment building after the state’s lease expires in late 2025. If the state wishes to keep the Veterans Museum where it is today, they say, it can make use of the first few floors...


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- - Volume: 24 - WEEK: 34 Date: 8/21/2024 2:32:04 PM -