Food and nutrition sciences: UWL launches new major within growing industry

Food and nutrition sciences: UWL launches new major within growing industry

A new major at UW-La Crosse will prepare students for careers in the fast-growing field of food and nutrition sciences.

Building on the success of UWL’s existing nutrition minor, the new major in food and nutrition sciences will expand learning and research opportunities in food science, food safety, food systems and more — while meeting a critical workforce development need in Wisconsin and beyond.

The major was approved by the UW System Board of Regents in June.

“The availability of nutritious foods is key to human health and wellness,” explain Lisa Kobs and Margaret Maher, both professors of biology, who are spearheading the new program. “As the global population continues to grow, food and healthcare systems will be increasingly challenged to meet demand for their services. As a food and nutrition sciences major, students will develop a broad understanding and set of skills related to food science, food systems and nutrition that will prepare them for multiple opportunities to contribute to these enduring challenges.”

The food and nutrition sciences major is interdisciplinary, incorporating courses from multiple departments and colleges across campus...


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