City selects developer for Weinbrenner Shoe Co. factory building in downtown Marshfield

City selects developer for Weinbrenner Shoe Co. factory building in downtown Marshfield

The council said the Milwaukee-based developer`s proposal stood out because of its family-centered residential character and its care for the history of the property.

MARSHFIELD – J. Jeffers and Co. will serve as the lead developer on redevelopment of the former Weinbrenner Shoe Company factory in Marshfield’s downtown.

The Common Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a Community Development Authority recommendation of the Milwaukee-based developer for the project after considering proposals over the last several weeks.

“I think the city should feel really good about having really four qualified, bona fide developers that had submitted RFQs for the project,” Ashley Winch, Community Development Authority member, said as she presented the recommendation...


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- - Volume: 25 - WEEK: 7 Date: 2/13/2025 2:46:53 PM -