The city wants your input on redevelopment plans for the former Wisconsin Rapids foundry

The city wants your input on redevelopment plans for the former Wisconsin Rapids foundry

A community input meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Feb. 25 at City Hall, which will give residents an opportunity to comment on redevelopment plans.

Key Points

  • Wisconsin Rapids residents are invited to share their input on the redevelopment of the former Northern Steel Castings site.

  • The former foundry, significantly damaged by fire in 2016 and closed in 2017, was acquired by Wood County in 2023 after tax foreclosure.

  • Grants from the EPA and DNR are funding initial site analysis and planning, including a preliminary reuse assessment that showed strong support for residential redevelopment.
  • WISCONSIN RAPIDS ? Wisconsin Rapids residents will soon have a chance to have their voice heard on the future of the former Northern Steel Castings site.

    A community input meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Feb. 25 in City Hall, 444 W. Grand Ave., which will give residents an opportunity to comment on redevelopment plans for the property, including community revitalization and economic development.

    Kyle Kearns, director of community development for the city, told a Daily Tribune reporter the session will contribute to continued planning for redevelopment of the property, identifying the best use of the property and keeping the surrounding residents informed and engaged on the process....

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    - - Volume: 25 - WEEK: 8 Date: 2/20/2025 1:55:06 PM -