WDN Notes...

WDN Notes...

&/or WDNGreen.com

Wisconsin Development and WDNGreen newsletters are now emailed to over 12,000 professionals, planners, developers, news outlets, and elected officials each week. We see over 1,000 opens within the first hour every week for each publication. The websites, WisconsinDevelopment.com and WDNGreen.com are always online and available to view and search where we maintain several years worth of articles.

"My goal is to present a positive view of economic development, business and employment in the State of Wisconsin”, Ken Harwood, Editor and Publisher.

Each week WisconsinDevelopment presents a positive look at economic development, commercial projects and ideas that work from across the state. In WDNGreen we highlight pro-environmental development and issues that make economic sense.

We believe in the Wisconsin business community and believe that telling their stories will positively impact both growth and better legislation in the State. We are nonpartisan, pro business, pro positive environmental issues, and most importantly pro WISCONSIN...

Online at WisconsinDevelopment.com  & WDNGreen.com Featuring Storues & Links you can use everyday to help your bisiness and Wisconsin grow! Edited and published by Ken Harwood @ LinkedIn. 


Ken Notes: "Ken Notes" may be reprinted in context without permission. Attribution should be Ken Harwood, Editor Wisconsin Development News or Ken Harwood Advocate for Wisconsin.

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- - Volume: 6 - WEEK: 100 Date: 12/22/2022 2:08:42 PM -