Wisconsin Development News (click here to read online)

Ken Harwood
Advocating for Wisconsin
HarwoodKen [at] Gmail.com

This Weeks Articles for 12/13/2024 ...

  1. Governor’s Business Plan Contest open for statewide entries through Jan. 31, 2025...
  2. Eli Lilly announces $3B expansion in Wisconsin ...
  3. USDA hands out $375k in rural development grants to two Wisconsin businesses ...
  4. New artificial intelligence center to launch in central Wisconsin...
  5. Hundreds of new affordable units get funding from City of Madison...
  6. Wisconsin counties transform closed UW campuses into K-12 classrooms, housing, even a wedding venue...
  7. City eyes senior housing...
  8. Wisconsin receives nearly $18M for clean buses, dump trucks...
  9. Microsoft says new technology will save water at Mount Pleasant data center development...
  10. ‘We own it. It’s our place.’ Worsened care feared as counties privatize their nursing homes ...
  11. Foxconn qualifies for $8.7M in state tax credits for fiscal year 2023...
  12. A Generational Steward ...
  13. City of Wausau appoints development director...
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Wisconsin Development Partners

Partner Level Sponsors

SCS Engineers

 SCS Engineers®


The Gialamas Company

Miron Construction

About Sponsorship
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Wisconsin Development News Supporting Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors
Broihahn Management & Consulting


Coalesce Marketing

Miron Construction


Artis REIT

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MadREP News

Stay up to date by reading our MadREP Report,a bi-monthly newsletter that features regional economic development news, events and opportunities.

See Also:


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Economic Development Resources

Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago Intercity Passenger Rail Service

Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority






Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Directory

of Workforce

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Ken Notes: WDNews relies on the actual journalism provided by your local media outlets. Without these partners we can not bring you the unbiased news, leads and updates you need to thrive in Wisconsin. Support your local media...

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Land and Space / Tom Daykin

Note: I changed the link here to Toms Twitter account. JS limits the number of articles I can read so I look at TD`s Twitter feed every week. I`ll Still include JS articles but after ten you need to subscribe.

I also updated the picture because, well Tom is getting old and development is taking it`s toll!!!

Milwaukee - 1/1/2020 Journal Sentinel business reporter Tom Daykin talks about commercial real estate and development, including stores, hotels, offices, condos, apartments and industrial buildings...

Land & Space Development Database

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Ken Notes: Tom Daykin is the source for ED news in MKE. This is a permanent link to articles in his blog which is updated daily...

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The Wisconsin Development Network

Our Current Publications:


On Hiatus


Cirex News



Ken Harwood
Advocating for Wisconsin
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WDN Notes...


Wisconsin Development, WDNGreen, WWHNews newsletters are now emailed to over 12,000 professionals, planners, developers, news outlets, and elected officials each week. We see over 1,000 opens within the first hour every week for each publication. The websites, WisconsinDevelopment.com and WDNGreen.com are always online and available to view and search where we maintain several years worth of articles.

"My goal is to present a positive view of economic development, business and employment in the State of Wisconsin”, Ken Harwood, Editor and Publisher.

Each week WisconsinDevelopment presents a positive look at economic development, commercial projects and ideas that work from across the state. In WDNGreen we highlight pro-environmental development and issues that make economic sense.

We believe in the Wisconsin business community and believe that telling their stories will positively impact both growth and better legislation in the State. We are nonpartisan, pro business, pro positive environmental issues, and most importantly pro WISCONSIN...

Online at WisconsinDevelopment.com  & WDNGreen.com Featuring Storues & Links you can use everyday to help your bisiness and Wisconsin grow! Edited and published by Ken Harwood @ LinkedIn. 

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Ken Notes: "Ken Notes" may be reprinted in context without permission. Attribution should be Ken Harwood, Editor Wisconsin Development News or Ken Harwood Advocate for Wisconsin.

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Contact WisconsinDevelopment

Wisconsin Development News is
Edited and Published by:

Ken Harwood
Ken [at] KenHarwood.com

Mailing Address:

1221 Hagar St UNIT 209
La Crosse  WI  54603

Please feel free to send story ideas or Press Releases to:

Ken [at] KenHarwood.com
Call 608.334.2174 to confirm receipt.

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